Friday, June 19, 2009

The One with the Appreciation..

I am still smiling with gratitude!! Thank you Allah, syukran. So happy... Why? Nothing much but it made my day!!

I met my colleague who had just came back from performing umrah in the meeting this afternoon. Well apalagi, salam and embrace her to ambik berkat! After the meeting, we were rushing back to the office to perform solat Asar and while waiting for the lift, I asked her how was her umrah? Her answer made me so happy..

She said, ' Alhamdulillah kak, semua ok. Saya kat sana terbayang kat akak jer, sebab akak banyak bagi tips, banyak memudahkan kami'. 'Oh ya ker?' I said.'Yer kak, saya siap cakap ngan husband saya..". Then the lift arrived. So I said bye-bye, see you..

I am so HAPPY that my small contribution had helped her to perform her first umrah.Her appreciation made me feel special...Thanks to the book 'Travelog Haji: Mengubah Sempadan Iman', as most of the tips are from the book. I used the book when I went for umrah last year and the tips from the book especially the concept of du'a for everything had made a significant impact on my umrah & ziarah. Thanks to Sis A who had introduced me to this book before I went for umrah last year.

Prof Kamil, the writer of the book, had actually made me use du'a in all my daily chores. That was on of the tips that I told my colleague. Du'a for everything = good hotel, good food, good roomate, good relationship..everything!

Du'a is mukmin's weapon, so let use our weapon to ease our life here in this world and in the hereafter.. InsyaAllah

Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan didunia dan kebaikan diakhirat dan peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka. Dan tetapkanlah untuk kami kebajikan didunia ini dan diakhirat, sesungguhnya kami kembali (bertaubat) kepada Engkau.


Thank you Allah..for your kind guidance.

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