Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The One with the 2nd Step - Oocyte Retrieval (OR)

6th Dec 2009 - the procedure was scheduled at 9.00am but I have to reached the clinic by 8.00am. After registration, we have requested to retrieve hubby's specimen first before the OR as hubby needed me there in the 'Berkat' room! The specimen retreival was not going well actually, tapi dapatlah! Hubby seolah-olah tak puas hati, kesal... Tapi nak buat macamana, itu jer yang dapat! Berdoa jerlah. Actually I was quite angry jugak, mula-mula tu..Susah sangat ker? Rasa juga frust! Then bila pikir balik, memang betul bukan mudah utk ejaculate dalam keadaan terpaksa!!

After that, straight to day ward to change to OT attire. With the OT attire, jalan jer ke bilik OT sebab dekat ngan day ward tu. In this procedure, I was put to sleep hence tak tahulah apa yang berlaku. Tahu-tahu jer the nurse kejut dah siap, so I was just dipapah to the day ward. Sambung tidur!

Sedar after about 1 hour, felt so thirsty! Hubby pun tak tahu kat mana. Then the nurse came, 'kalau dah ok boleh kuar kak. If not tidurler lagi..'. I said that I dah nak kuar, sebab dahaga. So siap-siap, then I called my husband. Rupanya dia kat cafeteria! Kuar dari ward, rasa pening semacam.. Last-last termuntah! The nurse said that, akak bangun cepat sangat tu.. tak perlah dah terjadi pun!!!

Then Hubby told me that Prof had informed him they managed to retrieved 8 follicles from the right ovary, but nothing from the left. Only 4 are the right sizes. By looking at the report, they actually done the ICSI procedure to 7 of the eggs.

Seterusnya adalah persenyawaan and wait and see how many embryos yang jadi....

The One with the 1st Step - Ovarian Stimulation

I was prescribed 225ml Gonal F a day thru injection. An easy to use device like a pen which is preloaded with medication. One pen of 450ml cost RM600. 1st time, I injected myself with the nurse supervision. Very easylah.. so in turnlah, today perut belah kanan, esoknya belah kiri pulak. Kebetulan balik kg for raya haji, so I travelled with the cold box with medication in it. Terpaksa sewa cold box tu dari MAC since we did not bring one.

This raya pun Hubby tak balik, alasan? Malas nak kisah, simple jer just ambil pendekatan if he thinks what he did is right then ok, go on..If not just remember Allah maha mengetahui and doa ku, semuga Allah membalas dengan balasan yang setimpal..Amin..

On 8th day 1st Dec, back from kampung straight away went to MAC clinic for scanning. Result? The sonographer found 2 ovarian cyst on both ovaries measuring about 2 to 3 cm. Imagine if I were to wait till January, mesti dah makin besar cyst tu....About 8 follicles on right ovary and 2 on left. I were to continue with the same amount of medication to be consumed thru injection and come back on 3rd Dec, day 10th for next scanning. 1 more medication to inject, to prevent the follicles from pecah.

On second scanning, the sonographer kind of having problem to exactly see and measure the follicles. Dah risau dah, kenapa lah pulak, so I doa byk2. She then tried to scan dari atas (form perutlah..), tapi still could not see clearly so back to vaginally. At last she managed to get the sizes. Same number of follicles. Considering that I have endometriosis, the quantity is about rightlah.

With the result, I were scheduled to have the oocyte retireval procedure on Monday the 6th Dec.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

To Start or not to Start - The fertility treatment

So many things have happened and yet I could not begin to write anything for almost 3 months! Reason? No reason, just plain lazy!!! Macamana nak mula pun tak tahu ni..Ok lets go step by steplah...

Hubby wanted to wait till January to start the fertility treatment, however I voiced out my concern that I have started to feel the pain again. Makin lama tunggu takut makin banyak penyakit tu dah tumbuh balik. After a lot of convincing then he agreed to start the treatment on my 5th period after Danazol injection.

On 25th November 2nd day period we went to MAC clinic at HUKM to start the ICSI cycle. Feeling? Excited ada, takut ada but  I have to do it. So lets do it, I said to myself...The costs? hemm, manageable lah...

Next step is Ovarian Stimulation....