Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The One with the 4th Scan - Ovary Stimulation

Went for scan on Sunday, reached the clinic around 8.45am, got no 4.However the scanning procedure did not start yet. So we went for breakfast dulu. Oh yes, Hubby managed to accompany me though it was on Sunday. Alhamdulilllah. The scan did not start even after we had our breakfast.

It was Sunday, so cashier, kerani semua tak der. The nurse name Shahira, buat multiple tasks jadi cashier, kerani and staff nurse. Lepas procedure attend to payments, medication, injection and hal2 lain. Kesian dia, tapi namapak dia tenang layan patient! At around 10.30am, then we saw Prof datang, berlari2 dia. Terus masuk OT, I think it was for OR procedure.

Dalam 45 minutes kemudian he quickly went into the scan room. Then I got it, we were waiting for Prof rupanya. He was the one yang did the scanning. Good, kiranya first time dapat buat ngan dia. Hubbies were asked to went in with the wifes, to help Prof noted the follicle size! My turn came around 11.45, result was not to promising. The follicles byk yg kecik2 though dah ada around 4 yang besar. Just hope that the big ones will survived until tomorrow. Yup, Prof scheduled me for OR on Wednesday the 20th July, that is tomorrow. 

Last nite did my last injection to mature the egss at 9.30pm. Today is injection Free. Medication given by Mak Jah pun dah habis semalam, so I am to see her today. Hubby plan to go in the afternoon after his meeting. 

The medication that were prescribed during the ovary stimulation; 

Puregon + Puregon Pen

Orgalutron - antogonist, to prevent ovulation. The nurse said to prevent telur dari pecah

Ovidrel - hepls follicle matures and trigger the release of eggs
I was prescribed Puregon 300 = RM420, 2 of Orgalutron = RM300, Ovidrel = RM80, Scan = RM60 and need to pay downpayment for ER= RM800. So all in all I paid RM1600. Hence cost so far = RM5375 + RM1660 = RM7035.00

Friday, July 16, 2010

Doa Yang Menyeluruh

I am always fascinated and like the doa which we recite during duduk antara dua sujud. Sometimes I recite the doa lepas solat pun...the meaning is beautiful and menyeluruh to me. Got this article which describe the doa in detail and I would like to share and keep this so I could refer to it anytime. Here it goes...

BESARNYA makna DOA YANG KITA LUPAKAN- semasa duduk antara dua sujud

Dalam tidak sedar.Setiap hari kita memohon didalam solat kita..tetapi sayangnya, kita hanya memohon tanpa memahami.. sekadar tersebut dibibir, tetapi tidak tersentuh dari hati kita selama ini.Marilah kita mula menghayati ketika kita duduk di antara dua sujud semasa solat..

Dengan rendah hati nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah

Rabbighfirli (Tuhanku, ampuni aku),
Diamlah sejenak, buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima ampunan dari Allah seperti membuka diri ketika merasakan hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi atau menerima curahan air hujan ketika kita masih kecil

Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima ampunan Allah Ulangi permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan Kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua,

Warhamni (sayangi aku)
Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima kasih-sayang Allah yang tak terhitung besarnya. Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak kasih-sayang Allah yang kita terima. Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup. Berturut-turut sampaikanlah permintaan2 berikut dengan cara sebagaimana tersebut di atas, satu persatu..

Wajburnii (tutuplah aib-aibku)
Warfa'nii (angkatlah darjatku)

Warzuqnii (berilah aku rezeki)

Wahdinii (berilah aku petunjuk)

Wa'Aafinii (sihatkan aku)

Wa'fuannii (maafkan aku)
Setelah selsai, diamlah sejenaklalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita. Betapa besarnya nilai sebuah doa ini..sebuah doa yang kita hanya lewatkan begitu sahaja.Dalam tidak kita sedar selama ini kita seperti sedang berpura-pura memohon sesuatu tetapi hati antara tidak dan mahu pantaslah Allah perlakukan kita begitu. 

The One with the 3rd Scan - Ovari Stimulation

Alhamdulillah today Hubby hantar to the hospital. Arrived at MAC around 8.45am, and the number was already 11 for scanning. Today memang ramai sangat orang. At that time teringat ada somewhere terbaca yang kat MAC ni macam human factory pulak! Saw this environment memang betul gak statement tu...

Result was not good, follicle belum cukup besar and adding to cyst and fibroid there is fluid in the cavity. Just like last time, but this time the fluid was discovered earlier before Embryo Transfer. So hopefully the fluid can be drain out before the ET. And I am to come for scaning this Sunday the 18th July. Today Prof sendiri yang analyse the result. Alhamdulillah.

The fluid is circled in red

My Follicle Tracking Form Only 2 big follicles - 18X17 amd 17X16 on the left
Mungkin ada hikmah disebalik pembesaran telur yang lambat tu, masih ada time untuk mendapat rawatan lanjut dengan Mak Jah. Hope with her help the cyst, fibroid and fluid can be destroyed with Allah's help and blessing. I called Mak Jah to change my appointment to tomorrow instead of Sunday since I have to go MAC on Sunday. Alhamdulillah she is okay.

"Ya Allah kau berkatilah dan rahmatilah usahaku ini. Besarkan follicle2ku dengan sebaiknya dan peliharalah follicle2ku sehingga sesuai untuk diambil. Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, hancurkanlah segala ketumbuhan dan bendasing yang ada yang mengganggu rahimku. Sembuhkanlan rahimku, sesembuh-sembuhnya agar tidak bebaki penyakit yang ada. Ya Allah, engkau lah yang Maha Pemberi dan Maha Penyembuh.. Amin.."

The cost, since I have to continue the Puregon injection untuk besarkan telur2 yang belah kanan tu, so I have to purchase  Puregon 600 @ RM840 and RM300 for Orgalutron. So total up : RM4235 + RM840 + RM300 = RM5375.00 and counting up....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The One with the 2nd Scan - Ovari Stimulation

Well harapan tinggal harapan, Hubby tak dapat hantar to meet Mak Jah kat Kajang yesterday. I went with my colleague instead, dia tolong tunjukkan jalan. Alhamdulillah senang jer sampai ke tempat dituju dan balik pun Alhamdulillah sampai office ada parking. With Mak Jah's advice, I took medication from her to try to hancurkan my fibroid. She said that the fibroid might intefere with the implantation. Masa scan pun the sonographer said that I might be having fibroid.

Ya Allah rahmatilah usaha ku ini dan sembuhkanlah rahim ku sesembuh-sembuhnya dan hilangkan segala ketumbuhan...Amin.

Before berpisah last night, Hubby said kita pegi pagi-pagi. He asked me to wait for him at the office this morning.However at about 7.00am, while I was driving, received text mesage from him, 'Waduh..waduh..moto buat hal lagi pagi ni..tak leh start ni.' I replied 'Usahalah biar dpt pegi ngan "Zaujah" ke spital.hope sgt.' He replied back, 'Dah letih start pakai kaki ni..' I texted back , 'Naik taxilah..' Then came reply panjang.. Malas nak tulis sini!!! Then I decided, tak per  boleh pegi sendiri naik taxi...Ni kali ke 2 pergi sendiri.Tak per Allah maha mengetahui..dan hanya Allah juga yang tahu perasaan ini.

Ok back to the procedure, base on prof estimation previously, egg retrieval should be this coming Friday, however based on today's scan, follicle belum cukup besar. Need to continue with the Puregon Injection + Orgalutron for the follicle supaya tak pecah. So Friday ni scan lagi. The Orgalutron tu, sakit sikit bila nak inject.Jarum dia kurang tajam!! With the result, I was quite worry because Hubby is going to Johor on 22nd July. I called him to confirm, tapi tak jawab.

I told the nurse that Hubby is going away on 22nd July, she said sempatlah for the egg pickup which is may be fall on Sunday. Hemmm, payah tu bila weekend! As I was paying for the medication he called me back and confirmlah he will be going to Johor on 22nd July. Memang payah ni, for the egg pickup may be tak der masalah, though I doubt it will not be easy! But for the transfer, most probably he willl not be around.Sapa pulak nak hantar dan ambik after the procedure.

Ya Allah mudahkanlah urusan ku ini...

Hubby came to pick me up.Thanks to him and thank you to Allah.At leastlah kan? Whatever it is I have to be strong and be the most patience wife and muslimah. I need to be!

Ohh yes, the cost. I was to purchase the Puregon 300 and 2 of the new medication: Puregon@RM420 + RM300 = RM720. Adding up = RM4235.00

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Start of 2nd Attempt

Start ambik injection on 6th of July. Hari ni first scan, telur ada and cyst pun ada. Perut pun bloated semacam, hari ni memang rasa tak ok, mata pedih, kulit muka tegang and hidung pun dah luka.

Pagi sebelum pegi contact Hubby, sampai 8.15 masih belum ada jawapan. Then I decided to go alone with taxi.Alhamdulillan senang dapat taxi pergi dan balik. About 8.30 Hubby sms, 9.30. Klinik dan pesan suruh datang pagi, 9.00am. So I just texted back to him that I pergi sendiri ngan taxi.

Quite stressful bila scan dia ckp cyst tu ada balik. I have been using Puregon 600iu (bought 3) and was prescribed 300iu per day. So dah 6 hari, all three ada extralah. So today kena inject 3 kali!!!Luckilly all 3 extras tu mencukupi 300iu..kalau tak tambah lagi kena lagi satu jarum!! Sakit pulak..

So cost so far;

3 600iu Puregon = RM840 X  4 = RM3360, Sewa Pen=RM105, Scan=RM50. So all in all so far = RM3515.

Next Rabu gi scan lagi.

Saturday morning hari tu managed to get Hubby to agree to go to Mak Jah's at Kajang. Mak Jah tukang urut utk wanita yang juga menolong orang yang ingin dapatkan zuriat. Esok appointment ngan Mak Jah lagi sekali, I am praying that Hubby will be able to take me there tomorrow InsyaAllah