Monday, May 25, 2009

The One with the HSG Nightmare !!!

On 11th May I have received my 5th Zoladex injection. As planned, prof had scheduled me for HSG x ray to check my tubes. The plan is, if my tubes are OK, no blockage or whatsoever, we might try IUI instead of the costly IVF. 

The appointment was set on Thursday 21st May 9am. So on that morning, we arrived at about 9.00am and went straight to the specialist registration counter.After finishing all registration matters I was asked to go to the radiology department for the procedure.

After arriving at the outpatient radiology department, I handed out the forms and was asked to wait in front of room 6. After about an hour of waiting, my name was called. I was asked a few questions and the doctor told me how the procedure will be conducted. Eish... ngeri jugak!!

Then I was asked to change  into a hospital gown and led to an x-ray machine positioned over an examination table. After being asked to empty my bladder, I was arranged on the edge of the table with my knees up. 'Angkat kaki macam org nak bersalin tu...' the nurse said. Hemmm....

The doctor then began doing her work down there!  The doctor placed a speculum in the vagina, then an instrument is placed on the cervix, it was screwed, I think!!! And then a narrow like tube thing was inserted through the cervical opening to the uterine cavity. When doing this procedure, the doctor actually had to try to place the instrument a few times before it was placed since I frooze up whenever she tried to push the instruments into my cervix. Oouch, it was painful and I was feeling uncomfortable.. really uncomfortable.

After all was set, I was asked to slide up until my abdomen was directly on top of the x ray machine. Then, the x ray began, the dye was injected by one of the practical student I guessed, while the doctor was controlling the x ray machine to get the picture, when I was asked to turn to my side, and the dye was being injected, suddenly the tube came out!!! Oh my, the procedure has not finished and the doctor said we have not reached to the tubes yet..and yet the tube had came out!!
I was asked to slide down again and propped my knees up again. The 'process' down there begin again!! Painful and extreeeeemly uncomfortable!!! Slide up again, the injecting this time done by the doctor herself and a radiographer was called in to assist the doctor. On her command, the x ray process begin again. When the dye was injected, it was quiet painful, like a period pain!! Suddenly the tube come out again!!!

Ya Allah, not again! At this point I was so stressed up....The doctor then called another more experienced doctor. Again the things to do down there begin again, this time the doctor was quite gentle and things were less painful! The x ray process begin again, and after just a few injected dye, the tube came out again.. Ya Allah.. only He knows what I felt at that time...

The doctors then asked me whether I would like to proceed or try another day. I said let us try once more. This time the tube came out before the x ray even begin.. So what is next? I asked the doctors to just write the report and then I would talk to my gynae on what to do next.. Being in pain down there and so stressed out, and I guessed it showed! The doctor then gave me MC.. 

When I came out of the x ray room, saw hubby walking towards me. I told him what happened, he was liked what? So long and yet nothing achieved!! I was in the x ray room for about 1.5 hours. The procedure should last only about 15-20 minutes...Macam operation lak pulak!!

After sending hubby to the office, I drove back home. Straight to the bedroom, changed my clothes and off to sleep....Really slept and woke up at about 3.30pm to perform Zohor prayer..

Ya Allah, what a day.... Allah maha mengetahui, mungkin ada hikmah disebaliknya!

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