Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The One with another 2WW

Pesan Nurse, doa banyak2...jaga diri!!!

My 2WW was spent at my sister's house and I was in good hand and well cared for. Alhamdulillah. Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart my dear Sis R. MC was until 4th Oct, and I continued with annual leave for another 2 weeks including the Raya Haji..

Before we were leaving the MAC, the nurse, who was looking at the report said to me, Alhamdulillah, baby2 akak kuat lah, survived freezing and thawing. Still maintain grade 1 after thawing.. I smiled and said Alhamdulillah. Now balik, rajin makan ubat, rehat dan doa banyak2.... InsyaAllah....We left the clinic with happy feeling.....

I keep on reciting the prescribed surah religiously, praying that the 'gangguan' would not interfere with my pregnancy. Pagar diri with ayat kursi, 3 kul before tidur. However, it still came in the form of mimpi.. But I sort of felt that it was coming, susah nak tidur selalunya. During my 2WW, it came 3 times and result in uterus contraction. The first time was very, very painful that I vomited. 2nd time was mild as I was able to wake myself up before it got thru, so as the 3rd... I felt helpless... I started to feel that my boobs sakit, nak tidur pun kena hati-hati sebab sakit, but the pain quickly hilang after the first attack. However, 1 kept praying that the embies will stick despite the 'gangguan'. .
Ya Allah, Rahmatilah dan Berkatilah usaha
kami ini dengan kesudahan yang baik

On October 15th, I started cramping like my period was coming... Lasted almost 24 hours... I was sure the P was coming and well, I could not stop crying. I prayed hard.... And I survived 3 weeks! No bleeding what so ever. I started working in week 4. I was showing all the right symptoms; dizzy, my boobs swelled and hurt sometimes and I ate a lot!!! I was telling my friends that these time was different, I had cramping and dizziness. Kadang2 rasa mcm mabuk laut tu...

From not very confident, I became confident that it work, that I was definitely pregnant.. and according to the IVF calculator, I was supposed to be in my 7th week pregnancy on 24th Oct, the doc's appointment. Medications during the 2WW includes;
1 tablet 3 times daily
Injection Mon, Thurs for 2 weeks 
1 capsule 3 times daily, vaginally
I also took Brazil Nuts and Selenium to support the implantation... Tomorrow is the day, the doc's appointment.                                                                                                                

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