Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The One with the Khazanah dari Syurga

I have been in pain again and now painkillers have become my buddy again. No worries, I have learnt to accept the fate! Last week have been pretty fruitful week I guess! Alhamdulillah..
First of all, I have managed to consult Dr R, a homeopathy doctor who is also my colleague! Never knew that she is a homeopathy doctor and I have known her for almost 17 years!!! Been postponing the consultation for months and managed to do so during our BP 2012 Challenge! Fortunately we were sitting side by side..I have started the medication on last Thursday....

The pain of the comming period started on Thursday and follow thru Friday! On Friday, thanks to Allah, I have managed to participate in Solat Tasbih in the office. I was quite late, and the hall was already full of muslimah and I had to wait outside. When the Zohor prayer was about to start I tried to squeez in and Alhamdulillah managed to secure a small place, enough for sujud however I could not Rukuk properly!!

Oh yes, on Thursday nite, while I was busy washing the dishes, I noticed some foul smell, ignoring it I continued washing the dishes and suddenly I noticed that the area near the stove was flooded! Oh my! this never happens before. Contacted hubby and he said that we needed to call a plumber! Since it was already 11pm, I decided to find a plumber the next day..

I contacted the plumber reffered by my friend and the local maintenance and set an appointment at 3pm on Friday. That day the pain started to be more significant!!! I reached home at about 3.15pm and Ah Sang the plumber was already waiting for me! He fixed the clogged drain just by using a mop!! Since he was already there, I asked him to fixed the flush, the leaking pipe and the fallen out sink! In 3 hours all were fixed and it has been months since those problems exist! Fruitfull week indeed!!

The whole day on Friday, I prayed and prayed that the period would only came after Iftar..In pain most of the time that day..and Alhamdulillah my fast lasted until Iftar. Tired and in pain I slept right after performing the magrib prayer and only to wake up at about 3.30am and still free of period!! I quickly rose to perform my Isyak prayer. And continued with terawikh, tahajjud and solat hajat..

I did the 12 rakaat solat Hajat and my prayers were for the Al Mighty to show me the way to tackle my pain and my infertility problem..I cried and cried..huh! What is new? Hemm...Deep inside my heart I have stopped hoping that I would become a mother someday! I really wished that the Al Mighty would give me strength and patient to deal with all HIS gifts to me!

After subuh prayer, I switched on the TV and turned to Astro Oasis and started with my baking project..While I was busy measuring the ingredients I heard the Ustazah was saying...

"Jangan berhenti berharap dgn Rahmat Allah, terus berdoa utk mendapatkan zuriat. Percayalah jika dikurniakan zuriat itu adalah anugerahNya, jika tidak juga adalah Anugerah dariNya. Hanya Dia yg tahu apa yg terbaik buat kita...Jangan berhenti berdoa dan berharap...."....

I had stopped doing anything at that time and stared at the TV... Allah Al Mighty! He listens to me... The tears started to fell down my cheeks!

I quickly recite the Istighfar and said to myself continue 'berharap' and 'berdoa'...Allah know the best! The show of the segment called "Khazanah dari Syurga". Ustazah Asni was teaching doa for childless couples from the Al Quran. The ayah is Surah Al Imran - the 89th verse...


Ketika itu Nabi Zakariya berdo'a kepada TuhanNya, katanya: "Wahai Tuhanku Kurnialah kepadaku dari sisiMu keturunan yang baik; sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa Mendengar (menerima) do'a permohonan."

Keterangan ayat:
Al-Imam al-Samarqandi meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi Zakaria pernah merasakan baginda tidak akan mendapat zuriat sehinggalah baginda melihat anugerah Allah memberikan Mariam a.s. buah-buahan pada bukan musimnya.
Maka baginda meyakini bahawa Allah berkuasa mengurniakan anak kepadanya. Tambahan pula baginda memegang amanah menjaga kunci rumah Qurban yang diwarisi turun-temurun.
She also reminded us to always zikr with Allah's name; especiallly Ya Warith, Ya Wahab.....And for me, I am blessed, He always listens to me...Syukur Ya Alllah!

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