Sunday, March 20, 2011

The One with the Pain...

It has been 5 months after my last fertility treatment, and now I think the pain is starting again. The pain has been emerging bit by bit, now the after period pain i.e during my fertile days pain has gradually surface! However Alhamdulillah the pain can be control just by taking Panadol Menstrual (PM). Just bought 1 box of PM. Am having pain actually while writing this entry. This morning I had just taken PM for the pain, so tonite, I will try to avoid taking them again.... InsyaAllah.

Just last week, I had lunch with my close friend KC. Among other things she mentioned about her friend that can do islamic healing. I seeked her help to ask her friend to try to help me. Well, the result was actually no surprised to me; 'gangguan sihir yg kuat dlm rahim dan sihir ringan dikaki kanan, gangguan jin dikaki dan tangan'. Even Mak Jah had actually said the same thing, ada gangguan!

Whatever it is, I just hope that all the gangguan will go away...I was presribed to performed some zikr and also drink and shower with the water that is recited with Al Fatihah (1x) and Ayat Kursi (7x). Also to do samak i.e shower with air tanah 1st then follow by air mutlak 6x. I have done and doing all the prescriptions.

That was all about physical pain, emotional pain? Well, emotional pain actualy bring some degree of physical pain to me i.e emotional pain = stress = increase physical pain!

Last Saturday, Hubby had Badminton Tournemant. He did complained that he was not well as he felt pain in the back and his knee. He continued playing anyway until the final, he lost in the final, he was dragging his knee in the game. Back from the game, he started to have fever!

He was to go back to his 1st house that day, but seeing his condition I advised him to just stay at our home, take Panadol, sleep and go back the next day. He refused and said that, it would be difficult not to go back!!! So he took Panadol Extend and drove home in pain and fever.

On Monday, he texted me saying that he was on MC. But about an hour later, he texted me again informing me that he was at emergency ward! He was warded the very same day. And me? I could not see or visit him! My husband! Only Allah knew my feeling during the days that he was sick...I could hardly reached him! I could only pray from far.....

Alhamdulillah he was back to work on Wednesday, those 3 days were emotionally disturbed days for me..What happended if he were seriously ill? How would I see or reach him if situation is still like now.. Nauzubillah, May Allah help me and jauhkan dari segalanya!!!

When he was warded I again asked KC to ask her friend to try to heal Hubby. The result was a surprise to me; 'gangguan sihir, jin dan saka'. The sihir part, previously was diagnosed by Hj Lokman - the syifa healer (the one in the Penawar Syifa at Astro Oasis), but the saka part is new to us. When I told Hubby, Alhamdulillah he wants to perfome all the zikr prescribed to him...

Not all muslims believes in this type of healing and the cause or the sickness. However for me, these things do happen and no harm trying as only Allah knows the sickness and the cure. Allah said in the Quran;

"Dan Kami turunkan drpd Al Quran apa yg menjadi penyembuh(ubat) dan rahmat bagi orang2 yg beriman, dan tiadalah Al Quran itu menambahkan kpd org2 yg zalim selain kerugian." [Al-Israa':82]

So, Al Quran adalah peyembuh dan kita kena yakin dengan Allah. Insya Allah.

Ya Allah aku mohon supaya disegarkan kesembuhan daripadaMu atas penyakit yang ku deritai atau berilah aku kesabaran di atas derita cubaan Mu atau keluar dari dunia ini dengan rahmatMu ya Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih.

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