Thursday, February 3, 2011

The One with the Birthdate = 02-02-2011

My 42nd birthday and Hubby was not around, and no wish from him. Sad? I am, but I am not going to let it ruin my day and my holidays... On leave due to Chinese New Year. As expected, bila cuti sama ngan cuti sekolah, sangat susah utk mengharap dia akan balik. Cuti kerja, giliran pun cuti!!! Panjang cuti, lamalah tak jumpa dia..

I did ask him on Tuesday the 1st Feb, balik tak esok? Dia kata tak tahu lagi..I asked him to baliklah sebab nanti dah Chinese New Year sampai weekend dah sure dia tak boleh balik and it was my turn anyway.Tengoklah katanya...I was hoping he would consider since it was my birhday....Tapi harapan tinggal harapan...

Hari ni pulak sakit dah datang, actually sejak semalam lagi. Buat tak tahu dan buat sibuk jer..Pagi I went shopping for groceries and also bought me a new pair of sandals and a watch! My nephews and nieces from Trengganu called wishing me happy birthday..The whole shopping time, I was in pain but manage to control the pain.

Balik rumah, try to still endure the pain but finnaly gave in and took Panadol Menstrual...Lama jugak baru okay but still not painless but bearable. Syukur tak payah top up the pain killers with arcoxia!! While I am writing this, the pain is creeping back, dah lebih 4 jam dah..Will try to sleep instead without taking another dose of Panadol..

If I would took what happend today seriously, I mean with the pain, waiting and expecting Hubby to come home, expecting him to wish me or plan to surprise me! But nothing from him...I would have crying myself to sleep. But I choose not too..

My sms conversations with him today;

- At 10.44 am I send him sms 'out to ioi', but no reply..
- At 5.28pm I send another message 'Salam...balik ker tak hari ni?', again no reply..
- At 7.27pm I send another message ' Balik ker tak?'
- At 8.09pm, got a reply from him ' Kat kampung..', I was soo kecik hati!!! then I replied
- 'Sampai hati, kerjalah hari ni, esok boleh balik kg, cuti lama..memang tak consider perasaan m**** langsung...
- no reply from him...I expect him to go to work today so that he can come home!!!
- At 12.37am I send another sms ' wish from suami sendiri..tak per...'

So that was how my birthday went by this year....

Syukur ya Allah kenara aku masih bernyawa dan mampu untuk meneruskan kehidupan dibumimu ini...Ampunkan daku dan rahmatilah aku dgn rahmat mu yg paling baik... Amiin..

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