Monday, September 26, 2011

The One with the Weekend in Pain

A pair of Pain Aux Raisins....
'Pain' in French doesn not means 'Pain' in english!!.

A sad, sad weekend last week! I was down with pain starting Friday night. Could not sleep, and at last at about 4am, I woke up and took painkillers. I was menstruating by then...I was asleep soon after taking the painkillers...

Hubby woke up for Subuh prayer and after the prayer I noticed that he was dressing up. I was wide awake by then...curious!! He informed me that he had to be in Perak on that day i.e Saturday and also Sunday. Then straight to Kedah for Monday meeting.. I was speechless.. I asked him. 'Naper baru bak bagitau?". He said he only knew on Friday aftenoon, well he actually had the whole nite to let me know but he didn't..

We were supposed to go to Subang to check on the house we were about to rent to a new tenant this October, also to a dear friend's open house on the evening..I was really mad but I did nothing...I remain silent even when he kissed me good bye and said that he was sorry..

As I was not able to sleep that nite, I continued to sleep after he was gone and woke up at about 9am with pain..I was so much in pain the whole day even with the pain killer! The pain was lesser with the painkiller and became more intense as soon as 4 hours were up! So the whole day and Saturday nite, I was on painkillers, non-stop!

I was on bed almost 24 hours! Bilik pun bau minyak panas! Peha, perut ada kesan lebam due to my intense 'urutan' masa sakit tu...I was only up and about on Sunday morning as I took the stronger painkiller at 4am... Went out to wash my car and bought a few ingredients for baking. By 3pm, the pain has started again...

However determined to fight the pain, I continued to do some house chores and also baked 'Pain Au Raisins'. I did took painkillers at about 6pm, the milder one. And Alhamdulillah able to sleep, though quite late that nite, and the pain resurfaced again at about 2pm today. I am in pain while writing this entry and had just took another dose of painkillers preparing for driving home after work as today Hubby is in Kedah...
Though in pain yesterday, I had successfully baked the 'Pain Au Raisins'.. (these are French buns and the name is in French and did not relate to the word pain in English!), finished my washing, drying and folding the clothes, swept and mopped the floor! Yey!!!
My Pain Aux Raisins......Yummy
Welll...That was the story of my pain but quite fruitfull!!!

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