Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The One with the 2nd Attempt - May be the last...

It has been a while...sigh....Anyway better late then never!!!

Masa jumpa prof after the failed ICSI tu, we decided to go for 2nd attempt. So I were to undergo DNC prior to the 2nd cycle as mentioned in my ealier post. Instead of just DNC procedure, prof procceed to do Heteroscopy & Cyst Aspiration on me on February 12th 2010. Checked in on Thursday afternoon the 11th Feb, Prof came to see me around 9.00pm to get signature, I just asked if the procedure include in removing the cysts that have been found during the IVF cycle. He seemed surprised and wondered why the cysts were not removed during the egg retrieval. My file for him to refer to pun tak jumpa, nurse cakap file may be kat MAC.

Prof then suruh nurse bukak balik klinik dia to do the V scan to confirm. During ultrasound, Prof macam terkejut jumpa black portion on both my ovaries, macam alient pulak katanya, because he would have remembered is something like that were there before this. Kena buat dua procedure kalau macam ni, as the machine to sedut cyst ---cyst aspiration only available at MAC clinic. What??? Apa2 ajelah...Malas dah nak pikir, terkejut pun satu hal.

I was wheeled to the operation theatre for DNC & Heteroscopy around 12pm the next morning. I was scheduled to do cyst aspiration the next day, Saturday.  Dah siap-siap dlm OT, prof tak muncul-muncul. Dengarlah the nurse cakap yang prof kat MAC. Anyway I was put to sleep before prof muncul so tak tahu apa sebenarnya berlaku dengan kelewatan Prof tu.

When I woked up, terasa sejuk sgt and tiba-tiba menggigil. Tapi sekejap2 jer gigilnya, tak pernah pulak berlaku macam tu. Bila dtg gigil tu habis menggeletar badan!! Bagitau nurse dia kata effect ubat. Juga terasa nyilu macam nak kencing, rupa-rupanya ada salur kencing dipasang!! Lar naper pulak!!!Bila dapat keluar dari recovery room, the nurse letak samples atas katil. Dalam 5 botol samples! Byknya...Masa tu terpikir jugak Prof dah buat sekali ker cyst aspiration tu..but how? Equiptment tak der kat OT.

Prof datang ward around 8pm, still with seluar OT tapi baju dah tukar. Then he mentioned that dia dah buat semua procedure tadi, hubby tanya camana? Prof said dia suruh orang angkat machine tu ke dalam OT, that was why he was late!!Thanks prof!! So tak payah I buat esoknya. Anyway I was bleeding banyak jugak prof kata so I was on tampon and salur kencing tu..Tak selesanya...And Prof told us result Heteroscopy tu, not good. My uterus macam ada infection. So tak boleh start the cycle terus and I need to be on antibiotics for 3 months - 2 weeks for each month.

Last cycle of antibiotics, during ultrasound prof jumpa cyst lagi kat belakang uterus about 3cm. Need to remove the cyst and the cyst aspiration was done on May 12th.  Sepatutnya boleh balik on the same day petang tu, however ada bleeding lagi sebab one of the cyst tu tinggi sangat duduknya, in order to reach that terluka cervic. On salur kencing once more!! eeeei tak sukanya!!

The IVF schedule form was given to me by prof upon checking out, the next comming period I was supposed to start with the ovari stimulation. Period came to soon, 4 days earlier on 24th cycle day bersamaan 27th May. 28th tu cuti wesak Friday. MAC clinic is closed on Public Holiday and weekend. So nak tak nak kena berkejar ke MAC dari office and kena sampai before 5pm. Sampai MAC at about 4.35pm.

Nurse tu kira lah hari sebelum confirm on the procedure tu. Target OR & ET in middle June and Prof tak der masa tu.Hubby call Prof, then Prof said he wanted me to be on Long Protocol procedure. So tak payah ambik ubat lagi but to come on 16th June to be injected with Zoladex! With my case prof tak nak the EP & ET tu doctor lain yang buat.

Conclusionnya, macam-macam berlaku for this 2nd attempt ni. From start pun tak berjalan lancar procedurenya. Harap-harap inya bersusah-susah dahulu dan bersenang-senang kemudian. So 16th June the Long Protocol will start and ends on August 12th for the 1st ultrasound.

But before that my family & I will be off to Cherating for a small family day event....

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