Saturday, February 6, 2010

The One with the 3rd Step - The Embrios & Embrio Transfer (ET)

Today is my 3rd day period after the fail ICSI atempt. Syukur Alhamdulillah, no significant pain at all. Syukur sangat2. Hopefully the disease is gone for good! Amin. Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah penyakitku ini sesembuh-sembuhnya dengan tiada berbaki lagi. Sembuhkanlah Ya Allah, kerana engkau Maha Penyembuh.

With that I am schedule to undergo DNC procedure on Friday the 19th Feb 2010.

Ok, now back to the treatment procedure :
On 9th Dec 2009, my husband call the MAC to acquire about the result, out of 7 , only 2 embrios yang jadi! I was to come to the clinic on the 10th Dec 2009 for the ET procedure. Only 2? I was hoping that it would have resulted in more embrios so that I could have kept them in the freezer for next ET if needed be..

Sepatutnya I were to reached the clinic by 9.00am. Hubby did not come back to my house on the 9th Dec, he should, but he didn't! So I have to wait for him at home. Tunggu, punya tunggu 8.30 pun belum nampak batang hidung. At 9.00am, the nurse called. I said that I was on the way, she said that Prof  was ready and waiting for me. And that Prof could not wait for long as he had another OT to perform...I was about to cry when the call ended, mana dia ni?

Hubby tiba at about 9.30am, memang airmata dah berlinang dah. Then he told me, motobike broke down he was at the workshop tunggu workshop bukak! We then proceed to MAC, sampai about 10.15am, Prof dah tukar baju and all the OT nurses tengah berkumpul kat registration waiting for me! Luckilly Prof agreed to proceed. Cepat jer I was lead to change and then straight to OT. Masa tu nak terkecing ya amat!! But I was not allowed to! I was supposed to be in that state..full bladder!

When I was ready on the OT table, then Hubby was called in to see the embrios. Then another sad news, only 1 embrio can be transfered as the other one had gone bad! Only 1? Masa tu I was frustrated and knew that the chances were very slim. Then after Hubby keluar, the procedure started...When the radiologist was doing the scanning to find the right place in the uterus to plant the embrio, he found some fluid in the uterine cavity! Another bad news! Prof pun tak dpt nak agak cecair apa sebenarnya. The fluid actually made the space for the embrio to plant very limited. Hence the chances for implantation were getting smaller...

Masa Prof dah masukkan alat kat bawah tu (vaginally), he coud not see  it thru the monitor! Opps had to change to bigger apparatus! The thing was pulled out and, the new one went in. Ooouch! terasa sakit yang ni, Prof siap cakap ni, kene corner baring ni! After that the transfer was done very efficiently. It was a good transfer they said. Then barulah Prof masukkan salur for me to pee... Lega rasanya bila dapat keluarkan tu...I was made to lie down then Prof came back and said ' Kita doa sikit yer..Prof baca doa dan after sapu muka he came and hold my tummy and said InsyaAllah. And he said that he was worried about the fluid as it might intefere with the implantation.Tapi kita doa jerlah.. kata dia. Then I was left to lie down for about 45 minutes.

Dalam semua step-step ICSI ni, this is the step yang I rasa paling mencabar dan paling I tak suka! Can it be done with me in unconcious state?  So taklah malu sangat!!! When checking out, I was prescribed luteal support medications. Makan and also to take vaginally!!! 3 times a day.

Next the waiting period.....

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