It is so hard to discipline myself to at least write once a week! So may things have happened....
Back to the ICSI cycle, unfortunately masih belum ada rezeki. I cried 1 whole day, sampai mata bengkak! The ET was done on 10th December, and the period came on 6th January, 6 days before my next appointment.
Mula2 tak letak banyak harapan as it was only 1 embrio and ada some abnormal liquid pulak dalam rahim. Tapi, sebab the second week after ET tu, period still tak datang, the confidence grew! And I went thru till 3rd week without the period, even had 1 incident of vomiting unexpectedly! I was so full off hope and confidence by then.
Monday the 4th Jan 2010, the 4th week, dah start rasa sakit-sakit pinggang. Hubby dah risau, dia kata sakit2 macam ni macam nak gugur.I just did not want to listen to those words! Wednesday morning, the 6th January 2010, I could feel the intense pain and decided to stay in bed that day. At about 9.00am, when I went to the toilet, I could see the stain.
Automatically my eyes swelled up with tears. I called the clinic and was advised to still take the medication and only stop when the bleeding dah banyak. I sms-ed Hubby to inform about the situation. I asked him to come home be with me, however he could not came home. By noon, it was confirmed as I have started having my period. I cried, cried and cried..alone!
Hubby only came back at around 11pm, and by then I was all dried up. Dah tak boleh nangis dah.Kering airmata.I didn't had anything to eat either.Tak boleh nak makan! He brought back Nasi with tom yam seafood my favaourite. I was spoon fed and only managed to eat quater of it.
2nd day period was the hardest pain.I thought that the pain had come back. However, prof said that it was not period pain tapi macam keguguran katanya. True enough as the next period I was ok.
Then I was schedule for DnC in Feb 2010, as the next cycle could only be done after 3 months.... That is the end of my 1st ICSI cycle.